At the beginning of a new year the common cliché which is generally heard is “new year, new life”. However, a more appropriate twist to this saying would sound like “new year, new routine!” So here are some fresh ideas to lead a happy and healthy 2020.

1. Clear up and donate what you don’t use

Recycling is quite common these days, but we need to go a step further than just getting rid of plastic, paper or glass. We certainly have many things we can recycle, for example old clothes. Second hand clothes stores can be found in any town, so why not drop off any unwanted clothes there, and by doing so we are giving those old pair of flared jeans or check flannel coat a second life and also helping the planet. In addition some families in need will feel grateful with this simple gesture.

2. Be positive

Treating yourself with care and love is very important to bring out that positive feeling we all thrive for. Do what makes you happy, and devote as much time as possible to yourself. The simplest things can bring joy to your life; sing in the shower, go for a walk, have positive thoughts about yourself and spend time with the ones whom really care for.

3. Take a risk

The majority of us like the idea of keeping within our ‘comfort zone’, but how about trying to step outside and explore new ideas or places. Set yourself new challenges or start a new hobby and watch how your days become full of new emotions and experiences. Take up a new sport so that you meet new people or perhaps learn another language. Remember not to leave it at the back of your mind- just get out and do it.

4. Be more caring

As mentioned earlier, it’s all too well treating yourself with love and care, but one must not forget about those around us. Smile when you talk to them, hug the people you really love and you will see how this kindness can take you down a better path.


5. Laugh

Laugh out loud. Laugh at yourself, with your friends and whenever you can. As well as being contagious, it helps release tensions and it’s great against bad humour. The benefits of laughter are endless so why not discover them for yourself.

We, at the IIISchools, have started off the New Year with new habits, and we intend to enjoy every single moment of the coming 365 days with joy and happiness.