Ho, ho, ho Merry Christmas

Ho, ho, ho Merry Christmas

Christmas holidays are finally here! It is a deserved time off after all that hard working. Coming back to school after Summer, starting with the routine again, homework and exams. All that effort deserves a bit of relax.  The week before the break, our academies were...
A quick look into the future

A quick look into the future

It is very common to think about the future and we sometimes ask to ourselves what it will like. If technology will be different, or perhaps transport will change, or even if communication will be even easier. Our little students will tell us what they think about...
I.I.I returns to I.C.E.F Moscow

I.I.I returns to I.C.E.F Moscow

I.I.I, as in previous years, will be attending the ICEF event from 21st to 23rd March 2014 in Moscow. ICEF Moscow is the most important event for educators and students recruiters in Russia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus. As well as the programmed...