The ‘Blue Monday’ legend

The ‘Blue Monday’ legend

On the calendar there is a day assigned to literally any occasion or event and people around the world celebrate these events which go from the Day of the Tree on 21st March, to the International Day of Smile on 2nd October or even the ‘Best Friends’ Day on 8th June....
Tips for a good listening test

Tips for a good listening test

In previous posts we have talked about different parts of an official exam, and we have given you some tips on how to perform well. This week we are continuing with this topic focusing on the listening part. While some students find other component of a test more...
Merry Christmas from III

Merry Christmas from III

Another year is about to finish and we feel full of memories and experiences we have lived in 2019. Like every Christmas the III team get together to celebrate the beginning of the festivities, and our Christmas lunch has become a popular way of gathering to toast for...
2020- new year or new habits

2020- new year or new habits

At the beginning of a new year the common cliché which is generally heard is “new year, new life”. However, a more appropriate twist to this saying would sound like “new year, new routine!” So here are some fresh ideas to lead a happy and healthy...
How to perform well in a speaking exam

How to perform well in a speaking exam

Usually when we decide to certificate any language level, we have to face a speaking test. For some people, this is seen as an uncomfortable situation. In fact, a lot of candidates enter into the exam room feeling extremely nervous and afraid of going blank. This is...
Halloween celebration

Halloween celebration

Halloween has become a established tradition celebrated on 31st October. Every year more and more students come dressed up in amazingly creative costumes and at III we make sure they have fun when they come to class. The classrooms and corridors of our academies are...