Instituto Internacional de Idiomas would like to share with you a new experience that we have lived and another door that we have opened.

Last Thursday 29th October we managed for the first time the tests for Constitutional and Sociocultural Knowledge about Spain (CCSE), which is necessary to pass in order to obtain the Spanish nationality.

We had 7 candidates and we had the chance to confirm that they were very excited to pass this test and take a step towards their goal which is to obtain the Spanish nationality. And for us it was a pleasure and a great responsibility, but in the end, we were all happy: they were because they took the test and we were happy for the nice atmosphere created and great organisation.

From now on every last Thursday of each month we will manage the exam (except in December and August). For those who would like more information you can visit:

Where all your questions will be answered or where you can register.

It is important to remember that all those who would like to aim for the obtainment of the Spanish nationality (except for those who were born in Spanish speaking countries) will need to have at least a DELE A2 and , of course , they will be able to take these exams with us too.

For more information you can call us on 952 90 85 58 or write to us on:

Or you can confirm your registration on: