If you have always wondered what distinguishes us from other language schools, then you should read this post, as this week we shall look at our English courses in detail.

At III we follow a specific and personalized teaching approach which provides excellent results. The different levels are classified into age groups which in turn follow distinct courses carefully selected to provide maximum language output. The age groups in turn are divided into four large areas with each one following a different and appropriate approach.

Kids section-  includes children from the age of 3 to 5. They are the pre-primary learners at the school. Language learnt includes basic vocabulary and common expressions. Classes are always fun and interactive with games, chants, movement and music being the main elements. Classrooms are equally equipped adequately to suit and assist the child’s learning.

Young Learners section-   includes children from 6 to 11 years of age. The approach is different as more complex language and a wider range of lixical structures are learnt. Games are still present but to a much lower extent. 


Teens section- includes students between the ages of 12 and 17. As well as being the most vetran students at the academy, most students who study at this level have been through the previous levels at the I.I.I Schools and their command of the language is quite high. However we also have teens who start off from scratch and they too get to obtain an acceptable level of fluency which helps them to communicate better and to do well at secondary school. During lessons previously taught language structures and lexis are constantly revised and this is combined with the introduction of new language points by means of engaging and up-to-date topics. Working in pairs and groups is a fundamental feature in their learning process, as this gets the students talking and thus the level of language production is generally high.

Adults- the over 18’s, are obviously among the higher age group. They can follow the English language at different levels from beginning to advanced. The classes are fun, dynamic, and as in every level, student participation is high

What do all the levels have in common?

The answer is simple- getting qualified, which is principally a Cambridge University certificate. All the above age groups, except for Kids, have the same objective- obtaining the world renowned Cambridge University examinations. As well as being an official centre for holding the Cambridge exam, our academy is also an official ”Premium Preparation Centre”, granted by Exams Andalucía – one of Europe’s largest official examining centres. This award is acknowledgement of our effort and excellence in the work we do, and also recognition for the excellent results obtained by students over the past 30 years.

We would like to highlight the importance of these examinations as all our groups who have reached a certain level of language fluency do the exam preparation at certain times during the school year. The levels range from Young Learners to KEY (A2), then PET (B1), FCE (B2), and in recent years more and more are sitting the CAE (C1) and the CPE (C2).

Another distinguishing factor is the high level of team spirit and commitment among all members of staff, essential factors which help to create a positive learning environment for all our students.

Talk to us

Communication between teachers and students is essential at our school, as we constantly talk about students’ language acquisition during the academic year and thus provide a more personalized and effective learning. Mastering a second language requires dedication and perseverance both in class and at home, and we can lead you in the right direction and consequently reach that goal.

Trust a group of professionals to guide you in your language development and who will make you feel at home and part of a big family.

If you are considering starting an English course in September then you have come to the right place. Call any of our centres or find out more about us here .

See you at the I.I.I