We have reached the halfway stage at the I.I.I 2018 Summer Camp. The first three weeks seem to have flown by. This week’s account starts with 2 excursions held simultaneously during the weekend.

Our under 8 participants put their cooking skills to the test at the Food Room, where they learnt to make pizzas and tiramisu- everyone’s favourite Italian dishes. It was great to see them use and play with the different ingredients and we hope they can surprise mum and dad at home with what they have learnt.

For a more lively activity the older  members of the Summer Camp chose to spend their Saturday morning at the Paintball. They were dressed in proper military gear and armed with coloured paintballs; It was great fun and they ended up getting paint all over their clothes.

This week we are offering the account of events from a different perspective: Marta, our Primary Spanish teacher talks about her own experience at the Summer Camp.

Marta, what does it mean to you to form part of this project?  ” The truth is working at the I.I.I Summer Camp is not only an opportunity to use my time doing something I love, which is teaching of course, but I feel that I am fortunate to form part of such a hard-working team.”

What do you enjoy most?” What I really love is to see how the children enjoy themselves with the scheduled activities; it is extremely satisfying and rewarding to see how they make the most of their play time and how they start to develop a feeling of friendship among them and attachment towards us.”

Which activity do you enjoy most with the children? ”Well, I really reckon that Arts & Crafts is the great favourite for the great majority. It’s a combination of creativity and concentration, no matter what age they are. When we are painting away and getting our hands dirty, it makes us feel young again. The children are so pleased to see how we, the members of staff, enjoy working with them.

How would you describe the Summer Camp in just a few words? ” I believe what makes it unique is how it offers each and every child everything they need: the way the activities are structured and specifically designed for each age group, the morning lessons with which we start the day, and the opportunity for the children to be constantly socializing among themselves all constitute a balance that will eventually help to achieve the desired results.

The children are becoming more and more alert and motivated to keep on learning and this enables them to communicate with both fellow students and us, the members of staff. Seeing how my students make an effort to use what they have been learning during the morning lessons to talk with me in Spanish makes me feel proud of them. I will really miss all my students once the Summer Camp is over.”

Thanks to Marta’s description of her own experience we have a different viewpoint of the I.I.I Summer Camp.

To see photos of the Summer Camp click here :

Remember we still have 3 weeks to go and you are still in time to come and enjoy yourself at the I.I.I Summer Camp. To find out more phone us on 952908558 or visit our website at:  https://desarrollo.iiischools.com/en/camps/