Christmas is here and just like every year we gather to celebrate this important event on the calendar. It is also a special day for every member of the III Team, as it is the only occasion that we get to see colleagues who work in the different departments at the School. The feeling of expectation and excitement is in the air as every year there are surprises waiting to be revealed during the event. For the third consecutive year we hold our Christmas Lunch at the Los Monteros Hotel as they always take really good care of us.

Director, Julio Morales started out by thanking every member of his team for their contribution during the year. After a short welcome the masters of ceremony Ali and Nati, The respective English and Spanish Directors of Study,  handed their role over to Lara and José, who were truly amazing. They provided a timeline of general and promotional events as well as training sessions held during 2018. This was then followed by an enjoyable video with a collection of photos taken by members of staff during recent years.

Afterwards what we all really enjoyed was the feeling of joy and happiness during lunch. Not only did we get to savour a wonderful meal, but to add to the string of surprises this year every member of staff was given a photo of their childhood selves, which added a touch of nostalgia as, undoubtedly, most of us still feel like the child in the photo we received.

Last but not least everyone was awarded a diploma with a lovely personalized description of their role within the company. It was a magical moment as everyone felt special. Thanks to Manuela and Anna for this great idea.

It is during these events when we feel the genuine bond that exists among every member of this amazing team of professionals. We always take pride in saying that I.I.I is like a big family, and this is because we truly feel that way. The I.I.I Christmas lunch is a celebration of true feelings of emotions and happiness we experience when we are together.

We wish you all a wonderful Chirstmas and a Happy New Year.