Now III is fully available ONLINE.

We offer standard courses in 9 languages in groups and in private entirely online.

All our courses are now available on our online platform for you to learn from home.

We are working hard to give the best service to our students. We are using Google for Education, which has enabled us to improve and adapt our face-to-face classes and offer them 100 % online, with a simple system and multi- device access- our students can connect through a computer, tablet, ipad or smartphone.


Here you can see our students and teachers during an online lesson:

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Make the most of your time at home and learn or improve a language.

Nosotros te ayudaremos. Somos especialistas.

You can now register online, join a class and learn or improve a language of your choice.

For further details contact any of our centres, chat or send us an email:

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[av_buttonrow_item label=’Nueva Andalucía school (Tlf: 952 90 85 58 )’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue881′ font=’entypo-fontello’ size=’medium’ label_display=” title_attr=” color=’custom’ custom_bg=’#731b10′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ link=’page,7362′ link_target=’_blank’ av_uid=’av-tia0kx’]