Hello to everyone,

Due to the current circumstances we are obliged to postpone the post on learning difficulties in Spanish.

On this post, however, we will describe and analyse the advantages of learning a language online and reasons why you should continue with the language courses.


As professional in the field of language tuition we have observed during the years how students have temporarily put aside their language courses due to reasons such as work, other classes, maternity or incompatible schedules. When they do decide to resume their learning the experience is rather frustrating as they realize that they have forgotten most of what they had previously learnt.

Simple dialogues they were able to have at lower levels, conversation using past tenses at intermediate levels or the ability to use complex structures at higher levelWILL BE LOST IF THERE IS NO CONTINUITY IN THE LEARNING PROCESS.

Therefore, all types of effort such as mental, economical or dedicated time will not have the expected results and thus resulting in LACK OF PROGRESS.

The points highlighted above in the learning process require continuous practice when learning a language or studying art or computer programming. That is why we give you more than sufficient reasons to follow your classes and start a new language ONLINE.


There are numerous advantages in taking up e-lessons. However given the state of emergency in which we are immersed in there is a very important one:


The fact that we are forced to stay indoors, as you all know, makes the days seem eternal and tedious; our daily activities have practically come to a halt but with online classes we can break this monotony for a few hours, do something different´- so seize the opportunity and start the language you’ve always wanted to learn or resume the classes you stopped due to work, as now you’ll be able to choose the days and time you wish to have classes.

  • Flexibility to choose your own schedule: With standard face-to-face classes, especially in groups, we decide the days and the time you can come to class, but this is not the case with e-learning as you decide when you want to study.
  • More interaction: Some students have tried e-learning and certain character types who tend to be rather reserved in face-to-face classrooms have noticed how their participation and interaction has improved in chats and discussion forums.
  • Convenience: Some students experience pressure when it comes to performance in a face-to-face class. However, e-learning enables them to concentrate better and thus complete tasks more easily. Studying from home relieves this type of stress.
  • Time: E-learning enables you to saves on travelling time and cost.
  • Flexibility to complete assignments: You can choose your own class time, either in the morning or the afternoon.
  • Tailor- made lessons for different needs: Whether it is business Spanish, or private conversation lessons or even improve your grammar, our teachers will adapt to your needs.


Conclusion: e-learning is not at all impersonal, on the contrary, you and your teacher will be working together face-to-face. It is a novelty in the world of education and we have access to endless number of resources to make lessons dynamic and with predominantly real context teaching.

We are already used to concentrating before a screen as technological evolution has created this need, so why not learn from it?

We love what we do and it is our desire to keep offering our services during such difficult times. We will do everything in our reach to ensure that our students learn and improve day by day.

Do not miss the opportunity and take advance of e-learning- see you online!