“La Bomba” & “La Bombita” Offers

“La Bomba” & “La Bombita” Offers

“LA BOMBA” PROMOTION  With this offer we would like to offer anyone over the age of 18 the opportunity to learn or improve a laguage of your choice and to see our schools and enjoy the wonderful city of Marbella. The offer includes: 2 hours of daily...


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What can we do at home?

What can we do at home?

We all know the situation is a bit delicate. Consequently, we want to share with you some ideas, some activities you can do at home with your family or on your own. Therefore, from now on, we will post more often, so you will have something to read and hopefully...
We are still here

We are still here

We all agree that the situation that we are experiencing isn’t normal. At home looking for things to do, organising our wardrobes, deep cleaning our houses. It’s hard and it disrupts our routine. But we need to remember that this is a change which is temporary and...
Let’s study through the screen

Let’s study through the screen

Hello to everyone, Due to the current circumstances we are obliged to postpone the post on learning difficulties in Spanish. On this post, however, we will describe and analyse the advantages of learning a language online and reasons why you should continue with the...
The ‘Blue Monday’ legend

The ‘Blue Monday’ legend

On the calendar there is a day assigned to literally any occasion or event and people around the world celebrate these events which go from the Day of the Tree on 21st March, to the International Day of Smile on 2nd October or even the ‘Best Friends’ Day on 8th June....