Well, the second week of our Summer Camp is over. Time really flies!

This week lots of new participants have joined our Camp, ready to have a great time but above all to make new friends.

We have done a couple of interesting activities this week. Last year, we introduced a clay workshop, and we are pleased to see that this activity is still proofing to be extremely popular, as the children like the feeling of playing with moist clay and getting their hands dirty and at the same time being really creative; in fact, they have come up with some impressively creative pieces of art. We will keep these little compositions like treasure as memorablia of this summer. Moreover, this workshop lasts for two days, because on the second day students get to paint what they have created.


As well as art and craft, we love having fun outside in the sun. In fact, one of the top activities is the water balloon games. Everybody gets excited every Tuesday and Thursday because it is then when we get ready to get wet. Equally important are the games we organize prior to the balloon fight. In addition, in this activity every kind of target is allowed. Kids don’t hesitate throwing water bombs at the monitors, which means even they get splashed with water as the balloons explode when they are targeted. This Thursday our director got soaking wet as she became everybody’s target.

Finally, like every Saturday morning, we went on an escursion. We visited Aventura Amazonia, a climbing park for all levels. We love getting out of the weekly routine and live

new adventures, and this outing is always very popular. These brave kids climbed high trees and came down extremely long zip lines.

Have a look at our pictures CLICKING HERE.

Remember, you still have time to join iii Summer Camp. Just call us at 952808558 or send us an email to summercamp@iiischools.com