In this day and age the digital world is the order of the day, and it’s no wonder that the coming generations are here with an iPad under their arms. Times have changed, and the rise of new technologies has made the teaching force take a step further by incorporating coding in the educational field so that children may adapt to the age we live in.

III Language Schools offers your children the opportunity to immerse in this area and get prepared for what is to come. We have implemented coding courses for children between the ages of 6 and 14. In this way, they will receive education in the language of the 21st century.

Coding may sounds serious and boring, but in fact it’s quite the opposite; it’s fun and attractive, because at Logiscool- experts worldwide in the teaching of coding, the main learning tool is through play, a simple but effective way for children to learn and have fun at the same time.

This type of courses increases children’s level of attention and concentration, since they expect to gain optimal results at the end of each task. Knowing what the designs they have been working on for so long will look like, and the fact that what they have created works properly not only arouses their interest but also adds to their feeling of personal satisfaction. In addition, they get to work in a team and take their own decisions. All these points not only benefit them for the professional world but also on a personal level; they get to gain confidence and self-esteem, and believe in themselves.

Another benefit of coding is the development of creativity. The exercises they put into practice helps them innovate and use their imagination to reach their ultimate goal, thus their creativity increases over time.

Undoubtedly these courses prepare them to overcome difficulties they may encounter along the way, and therefore improve at all levels. This is just a brief introduction to what your children will accomplish with this kind of learning but there’s much more.

Now is the right time for you to enter the digital world and start having your first contact with technology– the sooner you start the better! Remember that children are like sponges and learn in leaps and bounds, providing them with facilities in the present will make them appreciate it in the future.


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