We have closed the third week of Summer Camp, so we are now officially approaching the closing stages of this year’s activities. However, you still have time to come and join us as there are still two weeks left to have a wonderful time.

Last week the most enjoyable activity took place on Wednesday, when we held the first ever Summer Camp Talent Show. We put up a list where students could sign up their names if they had any talents they wanted to share with us, and such was their response that we had to divide the show into two parts as a great number of them decided to participate, as well as a few teachers.

The show started with Elena’s group dance routine and this was followed by magic tricks by Abdulaziz and Sofia; then it was

Farrah and Elena’s turn who sang some beautiful songs; this was immediately followed by Bader and Alba who told us some very funny jokes and finally Haya, Eline, Aneesa and Lev did an amazing acrobatic exhibition. And to close the show Aaron and Anna sang a duet. Our volunteer Alejandro was in charge of the music, with Aaron and Manuela hosting the show and Marta and Dawn being the “paparazzis”. This day will certainly be remembered as one of most unforgettable of this year’s Summer Camp. And now you are wondering who the winner was; well we’ll first tell you about the winning prize.

As you know, all the participants at the Camp wear a coloured wrist bands depending on the group they belong to: yellow ones represent the bees, green the chameleons, red for lions and blue for eagles. However, our teachers wear multi-coloured bracelets, which are the ones which most Summer Campers would like to have. So we decided to give one of those appreciated monitor wrist bands to the winner of the talent show. The audience voted for Katya as the most talented performer at the show, as she displayed a beautiful dancing routine that left us speechless. Well done Katya! She was really happy with the prize.

Like every week there were more sports activities, games and creative creations with arts and crafts.

On Saturday morning we headed to Tarifa, to go whale watching. That was the excursion for the week. We were really lucky because we were able to see two different types of dolphins and even spotted a pod of small whales, which was an amazing experience.

If you want to join us call 952908558 or email us at summercamp@iiischools.com.

CLICK HERE  to see all our Summer Camp photos.