Have you ever wondered what you will be like in the future or what you may look like or even whether you’ll have the same opinion about things as now? Well, one of our groups of young learners has just had a lesson on these ideas. On 9th May they closed their time capsules and not to be opened until  9th May 2023.

This idea was put forward by the students themselves and inspired by what they learnt in their text books. In fact they created their own time capsule. As well as being an original idea, it was also a great opportunity to practice their English in a meaningful way.capsula del tiempo

The result of this activity is a letter to their future selves and a desire to know how they will have changed in terms of musical taste, food preference as well as friends and sports they will like.

Will all these still be the same in the future? The students also include their wishes and what they would like to be in the future and of course pieces of advice to their future selves.

capsula del tiempo

The box is then sealed, and our young but great dreamers, who are feeling both nervous and excited, think how old they will be when the box is opened and what they might encounter inside it.