We all agree that the situation that we are experiencing isn’t normal. At home looking for things to do, organising our wardrobes, deep cleaning our houses. It’s hard and it disrupts our routine. But we need to remember that this is a change which is temporary and it’s the best thing for everyone. We are all in the same boat and there is nothing better than helping others.

What is clear is that the world we live in is changing. We are more united and more considerate. We no longer say that we don’t have time to call each other or that we are too busy to make a video call with those who are far away. We have been given the gift of time and we can choose who to share it with.

We may feel that these days are a little grey, the corridors of our academies our empty, with the lights off. The telephone doesn’t stop ringing, but there aren’t any kids to make noise. But we mustn’t forget the sun that is behind the clouds, which is the smile on our students’ faces.



Yes that’s right, WE ARE STILL HERE. We are teaching classes from home. Our teachers are well equipped with cheer and are so happy to be able to continue, which is exactly what we have done. Everything is the same, we will still see each other, laugh together and most importantly keep learning together. Thanks to online communication platforms our students keep to their routine and escape the four walls of their house.

We asked some of our students what they though about their online classes and these are some of their comments:“It isn’t easy for us to be at home but just seeing each other for the class makes me forget that we can’t go out.” “Teacher, I miss you a lot, but at least we can see each other and I can see that my classmates are OK.” “ I have something to do, even if it’s in my pyjamas.” Even adults are enjoying connecting and seeing their teacher “We feel closer to you”,“Thanks for everything you are doing, the littles ones can teleport for a while and we love to see the smile on their faces”.

This will unite us, when this is over and when we can be together again we will be stronger than ever. See you very soon and thank you for everything.
