Юридические положения и политика конфиденциальности

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In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11h of July, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the identification data of the company are presented below. The present Internet portal is put at the service of users by the entity, whose identifying data are:

NIF: 24825535W
Address: C/Califa Conjunto Las Lolas. Marbella. Málaga. CP 29660
Phone: 952908558
Email: marbella@iiischools.com

This legal notice includes the general conditions governing the access to and use of this website, hereinafter “the website”. The use of the website implies the express and full acceptance of these gene ral conditions in the version published at the moment in which the user accesses it, without prejudice to the particular conditions that may apply to some of the specific services of the website.
Access to the website is free except for the cost of the connection through the telecommunications network provided by the access provider contracted by the users. Certain services are exclusive for our clients and their access is restricted.
The use of the Portal attributes the condition of user of the Portal (hereinafter, the ‘User’) and implies the acceptance of all the conditions included in this Legal Notice. The provision of the Portal service has a limited duration at the moment in which the User is connected to the Portal or to any of the services that are provided through it. Therefore, the User must carefully read this Legal Notice in each of the occasions in whic h may intend to use the Portal, since the same and its conditions of use contained in this Legal Notice may be modified.
Some Portal services accessible for Internet users or exclusive to clients of JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ may be subject to particular conditions, regulations and instructions that, where appropri ate, replace, complete and / or modify this Legal Notice and that must be accepted by the User before starting the provision of the corresponding service.


This website and its contents are protected by current legislation on intellectual property.
JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ is the owner or licensee of all intellectual and industrial property rights of its website, as well as the elements contained in it. Therefore, the reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation of all or part of the contents of this website, for commercial purposes, in any support and by any technical means, without the authorization of Terms and Conditions, is expressly prohibited .
The brands, trade names or distinctive signs are the property of JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ or third parties, without it being understood that access to the Portal attributes any right over the af orementioned trademarks, trade names and / or distinctive signs.

Marca Española M3509338
Fecha de Alta 01/05/2014

All products and services on these pages that are NOT owned by JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ are registered trademarks of their respective owners and are recognized as such by our company. They only appear on the JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ for the purposes of promotion and information. These owners can request the modification or elimination of the information that belongs to them.



The User is obliged to make correct use of the Portal in accordance with the Law and this Legal Notice. The User will respond to JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ or against third parties, of any damages that may be caused as a result of breach of this obligation.
It is expressly forbidden to use the Portal for harmful purposes to goods or interests of JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ or of third parties or that in any other way overload, damage or disable the ne tworks, servers and other computer equipment (hardware) or computer products and applications (software) of JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ or of third parties.


The User agrees to use the Contents in accordance with the Law and this Legal Notice, as well as with the other conditions, regulations and instructions that may be applicable in accordance with the pro visions of clause 1.
With a merely enunciative character, the User in accordance with current legislation must refrain from:
• Reproducing, copying, distributing, making available, publicly communicating, transforming or modifying the Contents except in cases authorized by law or expressly consented by JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ or by who holds the ownership of the exploitation rights in its case.
• Reproduce or copy for private use the Content that may be considered as Software or Database in accordance with current legislation on intellectual property, as well as its public communication or the one made available to third parties when these acts necessarily imply reproduction by part of the User or a third party.
Extract and / or reuse all or a substantial part of the Contents of the Portal


The Internet user who wants to introduce links from their own web pages to the Portal must comply with the conditions that are detailed below and the ignorance of them are not avoiding the responsibilit ies derived from the Law:
The link will only link to the home page or main page of the Portal but will not be able to reproduce it in any way (online links, copy of the texts, graphics, etc).
In any case, it shall be prohibited, in accordance with the applicable legislation and in force at any time, to establish frames of any kind that involve the Portal or allow the display of the Contents through Internet addresses other than those of the Portal and, in Any case, when viewed together with contents outside the Portal so that: (I) produce, or may produce, error, confusion or deception in users about the true origin of the s ervice or Content; (II) suppose an act of comparison or unfair imitation; (III) serves to take advantage of the reputation of the brand and prestige of JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ; or (IV) in any other way is prohibited by current l egislation.
Any type of false, inaccurate or incorrect statement about JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ, its partners, employees, clients or about the quality of the services it provides will not be made from the pag e that introduces the link.
In no case, will be expressed on the page where the link is located in which JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ has given its consent for the insertion of the link or that otherwise sponsors, collaborates , verifies or supervises the services of the sender.
It is forbidden the use of any word mark, graphic or mixed mark or any other distinctive sign of JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ within the sender’s page, except in the cases permitted by law or expres sly authorized by JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ and provided that, in these cases, a direct link to the Portal is permitted in the manner established in this clause.
The page that establishes the link must faithfully comply with the law and can not in any case dispose of or link to its own content or that of third parties that: (I) are illegal, harmful or contrary t o morality and good customs (pornographic, violent, racists, etc.); (II) induce or may induce in the User the false conception that JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ subscribes, endorses, adheres or in any way supports the ideas, statemen ts or expressions, legal or illegal, of the sender; (III) are inappropriate or not pertinent to the activity of JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ in attention to the place, content and subject of the web page of the sender.



Access to the Portal does not imply an obligation on the part of JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ to verify the veracity, accuracy, adequacy, suitability, completeness and timeliness of the information provided through it. The contents of this page are of a general nature and do not constitute, in any way, the provision of a legal advice service or of any kind, reason why such information is insufficient for the personal or business de cisions made by the User.
JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ is not responsible for the decisions taken from the information provided in the Portal or the damages and losses caused in the User or third parties with reason for acti ons that have as sole foundation the information obtained in the Portal.


Access to the Portal does not imply an obligation on the part of JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ to control the absence of viruses, worms or any other harmful computer element. It corresponds to the Us er, in any case, the availability of adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs.
JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ is not responsible for the damages produced in the computer equipment of the Users or third parties during the provision of the Portal service.


Access to the Portal requires services and supplies from third parties, including transportation through telecommunications networks whose reliability, quality, continuity and functioning does not corre spond to JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ Therefore, the services provided through the Portal may be suspended, canceled or inaccessible, prior or simultaneous to the provision of the Portal service.
JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ is not responsible for any damages or losses of any kind caused to the User that result in failures or disconnections in the telecommunications networks that produce the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Portal service during the provision of the same or with previous character.


The access service to the Portal includes technical link devices, directories and even search tools that allow the User to access other Internet pages and portals (hereinafter, ‘Linked Sites’). In these cases, JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ acts as a provider of intermediation services in accordance with article 17 of Law 34/2002, of 12of July, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce and will only be responsibl e for the contents and services provided on the Linked Sites to the extent that you have effective knowledge of the unlawfulness and have not deactivated the link with due diligence. In the event that the User considers that there is a L inked Site with illicit or inappropriate content, he/she may inform JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ in accordance with the procedure and the effects established in clause 6, without this communication entailing the obligation to withdra w the corresponding link.
In any case, the existence of Linked Sites must presuppose the existence of agreements with the managers or owners thereof, or the recommendation, promotion or Identification of JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ with the manifestations, contents or services provided.
JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ does not know the contents and services of the Linked Sites and therefore is not responsible for the damages caused by the illegality, quality, failure toupdate, unavail ability, error and uselessness of the contents and/or services of the Linked Sites or by Any other damage that is not directly attributable to JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ.


You can consult our policy of Data Protection to know the use we make of your personal data.
política de Protección de Datos para conocer el uso que hacemos de sus datos personales.


In the event that the User or any other Internet user were aware that the Linked Sites refer to pages whose contents or services are illegal, harmful, degrading, violent or contrary to morality, they ma y contact JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ indicating the following extremes:
• Personal data of the caller: name, address, telephone number and email address;
• Description of the facts that reveal the illicit or inadequate nature of the Linked Site;
• In the case of violation of rights, such as intellectual and industrial property, the personal data of the owner of the infringed right when he is a person other than the communicating party.
• He must also provide the title that proves the legitimacy of the rights holder and, where appropriate, the representation to act on behalf of the owner when it is a person other than the commun icating party;
• Express declaration that the information contained in the claim is accurate.
The reception by JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ of the communication provided in this clause will not imply, according to the provisions of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Law, the effective knowledge of the activities and/or contents indicated by the communicator.
He must also provide the title that proves the legitimacy of the owner of the rights and, where appropriate, the representation to act on behalf of the owner when the person is different from the communicating party; Express statement that the information contained in the claim is accurate.

7. Notifications

All notices and communications made by the parties will be valid in accordance with the means admitted by Law. Those related to this Portal will be considered effective, for all purposes, if they are ma de through the Portal itself.

8. Modifications

JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ reserves the right to make any changes it deems appropriate on its website without prior notice, and may change, delete or add both the contents and services provided th rough it and the way in which they appear presented.
On the other hand, these terms and conditions may change at any time. The modifications will take effect from the moment of their publication.

9. Legislation

These general conditions are ruled by the Spanish Law. The parties submit, at their option, for the resolution of conflicts and renouncing any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of Marbella.
Resolution of online litigation in accordance with Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013: The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform, which is available at t he following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

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This legal text gives you details of how we collect and process your personal data through the use of our website www.iiischools.com, including any information that you can provide us through the site when you sign up for a service, register with us newsletter or provide your contact information through the form enabled for this purpose.
By providing us with the information, we inform you that our services are only directed to adults, so it guarantees that you are over 18 years of age when you send us the form.


Datos de contacto del responsable: JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ – NIF: 24825535W address in C/CALIFA CONJUNTO Las Lolas. Nueva Andalucía- Marbella. Málaga. CP 29660. Phone: 952908558 and Email: marbella@iiischools.com.
JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ, is the controller of your data..


The General Data Protection Regulation, tells us that personal data is all information about an identified or identifiable natural person, that is, all the information capable of identifying a person. This would not include anonymous or percentage data.
On our website we can process certain types of personal data, which may include:
• Identity data: name and surname
• Contact information: email and telephone
• Technical data: login data, Internet protocol addresses, browser type and version, configuration and location of the time zone, operating system, types and versions of browser plug-in, and any other technology on the devices that you use to access our website
• Marketing and communications data: preferences to receive marketing communications from our side and preferred means of communication
We do not collect any data related to special categories of personal data (those that reveal their ethnic or racial origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical convictions, union affiliation and information about their health, genetic or biometric data).
In case you are requested to collect personal data by law or according to the terms of contract between us and you refuse to provide them, we may not be able to make such a contract or provide the service, and you must notify us about this in advance.


The means we use to collect personal data are:
– Through the form on our website, through our contact emails or by phone, when:
You request information about our services
You contract the provision of our services
You request quotes
– Through technology or automated interactions: on our site we can automatically collect technical data about your equipment, navigation actions and usage patterns. This data is collected through cookies or similar technologies. If you want to expand the information, you can consult our cookies policy
– Through third parties:
Google: analytical data or search data. Outside the European Union.
Social Networks: (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin…) outside the European Union.


The most common uses of your personal data are:
– For the formalization of a contract between JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ and you.
– When you give your consent in the processing of your data
– When we need them to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation
– When necessary for our legitimate interest
The User may revoke the consent given at any time by sending an email to marbella@iiischools.com or consulting the section of exercise of rights below.
Below we attach a table in which you can consult the ways in which we will use your personal data and the legitimacy for its use, as well as knowing what kind of personal data we are going to deal with. We can process some personal data for some additional legal reason, so if you need details about it you can send an email to marbella@iiischools.com

Purpose Data type Legitimacy for your treatment
To request information through the contact form

[av_table purpose=’tabular’ pricing_table_design=’avia_pricing_minimal’ pricing_hidden_cells=” caption=” responsive_styling=’avia_responsive_table’ av-small-hide=’aviaTBav-small-hide’ av-mini-hide=’aviaTBav-mini-hide’ av_uid=’av-m83faz’] [av_row row_style=’avia-heading-row’ av_uid=’av-kjgfcb’][av_cell col_style=’avia-center-col’ av_uid=’av-isp4gr’]PURPOSE[/av_cell][av_cell col_style=’avia-center-col’ av_uid=’av-h94b57′]DATA TYPE[/av_cell][av_cell col_style=’avia-center-col’ av_uid=’av-ffp76z’]LEGITIMACY FOR ITS TREATMENT[/av_cell][/av_row] [av_row row_style=” av_uid=’av-dx76h7′][av_cell col_style=’avia-center-col’ av_uid=’av-d1szqz’]Para To request information through the contact form[/av_cell][av_cell col_style=’avia-center-col’ av_uid=’av-11qibv’]- Name – Email – Phone [/av_cell][av_cell col_style=’avia-center-col’ av_uid=’av-8gspfv’]Consent of the interested party[/av_cell][/av_row] [av_row row_style=” av_uid=’av-oqtwr’][av_cell col_style=’avia-center-col’ av_uid=’av-5mkkvf’]To manage our relationship with you and formalize the contract[/av_cell][av_cell col_style=’avia-center-col’ av_uid=’av-42remj’]- Name – Surname – Email[/av_cell][av_cell col_style=’avia-center-col’ av_uid=’av-36fcrf’]Consent of the interested party[/av_cell][/av_row] [/av_table]

Commercial communications: you will only receive communications if
– You requested information or made a contract with us for a product or service
– If you provided us with your information, accepting the box enabled in this respect on our form
– As long as you have not indicated your willingness to stop receiving such communications
We obtain your express consent before sending any communication, being able to request at any time that we stop sending you communications in the email marbella@iiischools.com
When you choose to stop receiving our communications, your personal data will remain stored as a result of the contract made by you to comply with legal requirements.
Purpose: We will only use your data for the purposes for which we collect it, unless we reasonably believe that we must use it for another reason, notifying you in advance so that you are informed of the legal reason for processing it and provided the purpose is compatible with the original purpose.
Conservation period: They will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected and to determine the possible responsibilities that may arise from said purpose and the treatment of the data. The provisions of the files and documentation regulations will apply.
Subscriber data by e-mail or form: From the moment the user subscribes until they unsubscribe.


How to exercise these rights? Users can send a communication to the registered office of JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ or email address marbella@iiischools.com, including in both cases photocopy of your ID card or other similar identification document, to request the exercise of the following rights:
-Access to your personal data: you can ask JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ if you it is using your personal data.
– To request rectification, if they were not correct, or to exercise the right to be forgotten with respect to them.
– To request the limitation of the treatment, in this case, they will only be conserved by JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ for the exercise or defense of claims
– To oppose your treatment: JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ will let you process the data in the way you indicate, except that for legitimate reasons or for the exercise or defense of possible claims, these should continue to be treated.
– To the portability of the data: in case you want your data to be processed by another firm, JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ, will facilitate the portability of your data to the new manager.
You can use the models placed at your disposal by the Information Commissioner’s Office, to exercise your previous rights: Here
Claim before the Information Commissioner’s Office: if you consider that there is a problem with the way in which JULIO MIGUEL MORALES JIMÉNEZ is processing your data, you can direct your claims to the corresponding control authority, being in Spain, the competent for it: Agencia Española de Protección de Datos.
We may have to request specific information to help us confirm your identity and guarantee your right to access your personal data (or exercise any of the other rights mentioned above). This is a security measure to ensure that personal information is not disclosed to any person who does not have the right to receive it.
All the requests are solved within the legal term indicated 1 month. However, it can take more than a month if your request is particularly complex, or if you have already performed a series of actions previously. In this case, we will notify you and keep you updated.


It is possible that, in the performance of our work, we need the help of third parties, who will only process the data to provide the contracted service, and with whom we have the corresponding measures to guarantee their rights:
– Providers of services that provide systems administration and information technology services.
– Professional advisors that include lawyers, auditors and insurers that provide banking, legal, insurance and accounting consulting services.
All those in charge of treatment to whom we transfer your data will respect the security of your personal data and will treat them according to the GDPR. We only allow such managers to process your data for certain purposes and in accordance with our instructions. However you can ask us, in compliance with the transparency, a list of who are these companies that provide us services, you can do it to the email: marbella@iiischools.com


We have implemented the appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorized manner, modified or disclosed. In addition, we limit the access to your personal data to those employees, contractors and other third parties who have a commercial need to know such data. They will only process your personal data according to our instructions and will be subject to a duty of confidentiality.
We have implemented procedures to deal with any suspicion of violation of your personal data and will notify you and the Control Authority in case it occurs, as regulated in the GDPR in its articles 33 and 34, a security breach.